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TeleCardiology - What is it ?
Cardiology assistance from distant centers allows primary care units, hospitals and clinics to have fast and efficient cardiologic diagnosis.
For this goal, it is not necessary to have an in loco cardiologist at the place where the patient is. A nurse is enough to record the ECG and transmit it to AGM eHeatlh Center.
The exam is instantly sent through the Internet to the AGM cardiologists of AGM to be interpreted 24h/7d.
Soon the ECG is back, with the report attached on the screen of your computer and ready to be printed, if necessary.
All data will be stored in your computer for a further visualization.
To use our TeleECG system it is important to acquire the following devices:
Digital ECG compatible with the software – contact us if you do not know.
PC or Notebook with operational system Windows XP or newer.
Internet Connection of 512 kbps or higher in the health unit place.
Technical Requirements
Procedures of making a Tele-ECG
The local health unit records the ECG.
The exam is sent to the AGM eHealth Center.
One of our experienced cardiologists will analyze the exam and write the report.
The ECG is sent back to the local health unit complete.
The exam can be printed or saved in the patients’ medical records.
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